Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Digging For Gold

Here is a cute idea that you can do for your little ones. Spray paint some rocks metallic gold and then hide them in the sand and let your children go digging for gold! I've done this before and it was a huge hit. I made some new gold nuggets today, so that there is a new stash in the sandbox when they go in there to play. Oh what a treasure for them to find!


The P & A Food Chronicles said...

i love your introduction. tea is very significant to me also. Since 5 years old my gradma used to give me tea in the morning, tea before bed, tea to cure a cold or to cure a tear. Tea is conforting and if depression comes by tea bring a smile to my face. Tea is favored my family and thoug recently I've been doing a lot of coffe (blame my coffe pot) I love tea. So your introduction really toched me and i love your blog also! im adding to my favorites!! =)

MamaDotz said...

I was on vacation Miss Michele and I missed SO much on your blog. Glad to be back ONLY so that I can catch up with your site. LOVE IT!! Keep all the fun ideas coming. I'm gonna try to wake-up our sand box by burying some GOLD and telling the boys to find it. They haven't touched the sandbox this summer?!?!? Too hot?!?!? Too much work?!?!? Just want to go swimming!!!!!! Thanks again.
Love this site! LOVE IT!! ~Vicki

My Trendy Tykes said...

Ah, cute idea! Our oldest daughter went to the children's museum a couple of weeks ago and they got to "pan" for gold. She loved it.
I am going to have to feature this on my other blog later this week.


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