Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pumpkin Jar Candle

I saw this idea in an old edition of Family Fun magazine. I'm starting to think that Mod Podge is my new best friend.

What you need:

Mod Podge
Paint/foam brush
Orange crepe paper
Black construction paper
A jar (any size)

What you do:

1. Rip the crepe paper into small pieces. Mine are about 2 or 3 inches long, but you can really do them as small as you'd like.

2. Cover the jar with Mod Podge, using the foam brush.

3. Stick the pieces of crepe paper over the wet glue, covering the jar.

I have found that any pieces that are dangling loosely can be easily adhered by dabbing a smudge of glue under it.

****Be sure none of the crepe paper is higher than the mouth of the jar. This will create a fire hazard. ***

4. Load your foam brush up with more Mod Podge and very carefully cover the crepe paper with a layer of glue. Be very careful- the paper rips and tears and pulls easily so you really need to almost dab it in some spots.

5. Tear or cut pumpkin eyes, a nose and a mouth out of the black paper and place on your pumpkin jar.

6. Cover face with Mod Podge.

7. Allow to dry completely before placing a candle in the jar.

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