Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Teacher Gift Idea

My friend Suzi shared this cute idea with me. It's so simple to make and who wouldn't love a new whisk and some chocolate? Just fill a whisk with Hershey's Kisses and attach a note that says, "We whisk you a Merry Kissmas!"

I am pairing the Christmas whisk (say that 10 times fast) with a cute little Christmas cutting board and will use a cookie cutter as the bow on the outside of the gift!

My mom mentioned that you could also fill the whisk with popcorn kernels (in a bag?) and have the note say "Whisking you Happy Hullidays!" What are we going to do with all of these creative geniuses?


Nancy said...

Clever idea. Thank you for sharing it.

Shiela Lee said...

Cute idea - maybe for the mail lady. I figure I gift the teachers all year long by not sending my kids to school when they are sick and by making sure they do their homework - oh and they always pass the stupid WASL (state testing)! OH AND...I pay my taxes. The gifts that keep on giving! ;) LOL

Megan said...

Very Cute! I might have to make a few of these! Thanks. :)

tims_mom said...

Ack! My kisses keep falling out of the whisk....did you do anything special, to keep them in?
Are they in a plastic bag?


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