My friend Suzi shared this cute idea with me. It's so simple to make and who wouldn't love a new whisk and some chocolate? Just fill a whisk with Hershey's Kisses and attach a note that says, "We whisk you a Merry Kissmas!"
I am pairing the Christmas whisk (say that 10 times fast) with a cute little Christmas cutting board and will use a cookie cutter as the bow on the outside of the gift!
My mom mentioned that you could also fill the whisk with popcorn kernels (in a bag?) and have the note say "Whisking you Happy Hullidays!" What are we going to do with all of these creative geniuses?
Clever idea. Thank you for sharing it.
Cute idea - maybe for the mail lady. I figure I gift the teachers all year long by not sending my kids to school when they are sick and by making sure they do their homework - oh and they always pass the stupid WASL (state testing)! OH AND...I pay my taxes. The gifts that keep on giving! ;) LOL
Very Cute! I might have to make a few of these! Thanks. :)
Ack! My kisses keep falling out of the whisk....did you do anything special, to keep them in?
Are they in a plastic bag?
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